We’re excited to welcome Dr. Yonggao Wang to the Spa Bleu team! Dr. Wang is a licensed acupuncturist in Illinois and founder of the Chicago Acupuncture & Herbs Center. He has practiced Chinese medicine in Chicagoland for 25 years, helping countless patients recover.
The Benefits of Acupuncture

Ease chronic pain with acupuncture
Acupuncture is a method of promoting natural healing and improving function in the body. The gentle insertion of hair-fine needles into specific points on the body stimulates the flow of Qi (pronounced “chee”) or natural healing energy.
In Chinese medicine, it’s believed that obstructions, blockages or deficiencies of energy (Qi), may lead to dysfunction and disease. Acupuncture needling is the unblocking of obstructions, releasing the regular flow of Qi, blood, fluid and moisture. Acupuncture treatments can be helpful for internal organs, connective tissue and promoting digestion absorption and energy production.
Modern science believes acupuncture needling stimulates the nervous system to release neuroproteins and neuroinformation packets in the muscles, spinal cord and brain, and most particularly that it releases endorphins, enkephalins and dynorphins. These chemicals modulate the perception of pain and the physiological function of the neural-endocrine-hormonal system, triggering the release of the body’s own internal influences on regulating and harmonizing health.
Book Your Appointment
Dr. Wang is at our South Barrington location on Mondays, and in West Dundee on Thursdays.
Your first visit is $150; follow-up appointments are $120. Care Credit (an insurance credit card service) is accepted for acupuncture services.
Call to book:
West Dundee: 847.426.3656
South Barrington: 847.783.0703