Summer Essentials

Hair Care Essentials:
Sun Care Hair and Body Cleanser is a color safe formula that will remove chlorine, salt, and product build up while keeping the moisture balanced.
Protective Hair Veil is water resistant with UV protection, it’s like sunscreen for your hair!
After Sun Hair Masque is a moisturizing cream masque that restores sun exposed hair.
Skin Care Essentials:
Intensive Hydrating Masque is a cool soothing gel that calms the skins surface. It moisturizers with aloe, kelp, and lavender so it’s great for sunburn.
Tourmaline Charged Exfoliating Cleanser uses jojoba exfoliating beads to increase cell turnover.
Botanical Kenetics Toning Mist helps to balance and replenish moisture.
Renewing Lip Treatment is the perfect lip balm. It smooth’s the appearance of fine lines by 26% and increases moisture by 26%.
 Body Care Essentials:
Beautifying Composition; 8 ways to beautify your skin. 1) Massage into cuticles. 2) Softens your hands and feet. 3) Drop into your bath. 4) Body; seal in moisture after your bath. 5) Helps remove makeup. 6) Nourish and condition scalp. 7) Can be used for a massage. 8) Soothing aroma can help you sleep.
Foot Relief softens and smooths calluses and dry patches with active herbs and exfoliating fruit acids.

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