April Wellness
Spring weather is upon us (maybe?..I hope!), and what better way to embrace the season by being a little healthier. Here’s a few easy ways to do so…
1. Do Some Spring Cleaning: De-clutter and dust your home. Not only will a clean and dust-free environment be better for your health, but de-cluttering is also usually a good de-stresser! Donate, sell, or recycle unwanted items.
2. Drink More Water: As the weather warms up, so does your body. Make sure to hydrate often. A hydrated body is a healthy body. 😉
3. Run, Jog, Walk, Bike, Hula-Hoop, Etc.: Just get outside and move around! Now’s the perfect time of year to soak in some Vitamin D while simultaneously getting some exercise.
4. Eat In-Season Fruits and Veggies: Shop at your local farmer’s market, or Google what’s in-season for your country. It’s always much more nutritious to eat fruits and veggies that are recently picked, as opposed to ones that have been sitting around for months!
5. Socialize: If you’ve been hibernating this winter, spring is a great time to get out of the house and interact with friends and family. It’s been proven that positive, strong relationships offer a major benefit to your happiness and help.
6. Try Something New: Take up a new hobby, learn a language, join a new exercise class, step outside of your comfort-zone…. There’s lots of research that suggests that trying new things benefits your mental health. (Plus it’s fun!!)
7. Plan A Vacation: If you haven’t already done a mid-winter vaca, now might be a good time to plan one. If a week-long vacation isn’t in your budget, plan a couple of day trips! Exploring or relaxing in a new environment is great for your well-being.
8. Read A Book in the Park: Good for your mind, and another opportunity to get more of that Vitamin D. Bonus points if you bike to the park. 😉